On Monday 29 June and Tuesday 30 June 2009 I had the most awesome dolphin sightings at Ella Bay that anyone could wish for!

It is fantastic to confirm this shallow water coastal dolphin species is living and breeding around Ella Bay! My sincere thanks also to Blanche Danastas at Marine Wildlife Australia for her assistance too!
The following day I could not resist another visit to Ella Bay to see if my new found aquatic friends would return. After a chat with a concerned and interesting local I trotted down onto the sand and there they were just like the day before!

I am disappointed that the federal government did not add migratory marine species and the marine environment to the assessment criteria for the Ella Bay urban development/resorts. These Dolphins will obviously be negatively impacted by a population of 5000 people in this coastal wilderness.
Amongst the hundreds of pages of EIS statements provided by the proponent there is no mention of the developments effect on coastal dolphin species which I also find very disappointing. Ella Bay provides the shallow water habitat this coastal species requires to live, reproduce and hunt for food.
Indeed Satori’s own environmental consultants BAAM state in their response to comments document “BAAM (2006) did not address purely marine species, which should be the subject of assessment by marine experts” (Beginning of page 3 of the report, PDF file).
It appears these assessments will not be happening despite BAAM’s recommendation.
Indo–pacific humpback dolphins are a shy and cautious species in this area and this was clearly illustrated yesterday when they ceased feeding and totally dispersed to avoid the oncoming boat.
This threat is referred to as behavior modification and with a projected population of 5000 people Ella Bay will experience a significant and environmentally detrimental increase in marine traffic i.e. boats jet skis etc. Sort of like the effect of having a racetrack in your own lounge room if you get my drift! Marine traffic of this nature can stress dolphins as they have to change their normal behaviour to endure it. Important activities such as hunting, socializing and courtship are all impacted to the detriment of the pod.
Significantly, it is very likely that the Australian Indo-Pacific humpback is a distinct species as was found with the Australian snubfin dolphin Orcaella heinsohni. For decades the Australian snubfin was believed to be the more widely distributed Irrawaddy dolphin Orcaella brevirostris however in 2005 the Australian snubfin dolphin was described as a unique Australian species. Many scientists are predicting a similar outcome for Australian Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins (on the CSIRO website).
Ella Bay is very fortunate to have such beautiful and distinguished cetacean residents. It is my sincere wish that Federal Environment Minister Peter Garrett AM MP takes direct action to halt this inappropriate development at Ella Bay and protect this marine wilderness environment for marine species such as Ella Bays Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins.
See also
what amazing creatures, and such a bonus to see them in action in an as yet unspolit environment. also your enthusiasm is infectious!
ReplyDeleteWho would want to mess this up?
ReplyDeleteHello Russell,
ReplyDeleteMy husband regularly walks along this beach and he has also seen this pod of dolphins ~ aren't they gorgeous!!! You have some fantastic photos. By the time David 'clicks' with the camera, they duck underwater, lol. He has seen them flicking baitfish to one another, and having a fine ol' time. They are such beautiful creatures!
Whilst on one of his morning walks just a few days ago, my husband (David) came across a certain little fellow at Ella Bay. I have posted a couple of photos of him (?) on my blog. Please have a look if you get a moment...
My dad loved walking along Ella Bay Beach and spent most of his time enjoying the water and told me all about the dolphins that we saw on a regular basis. This is just an incredible setting that developers should not be allowed to destroy. He died recently and I know he would love to see this area preserved so his family in generations to come can enjoy the same way as this area brought incredible happiness to him in his retirement.
ReplyDeleteLove these dolphin photos. I've been in the water (kayaking and snorkeling) with spinner dolphins and would rate those moments as some of the best in my life.
ReplyDeleteI agree Liz they are something special!I personally find it unbelievable that property developer Ella Bay Pty Ltd can consider moving approximately 5000 people into this bay and not be required to conduct an impact study on the marine habitat or marine species like Dugong,Marine Turtles, Snub fin and of course the Indo-pacific humpback dolphins that call this bay home! Go figure?