The movie was great. It was interesting to be reminded of events like the collapse of the Canadian cod fishing industry due to overfishing. I was aware of the demise of the world’s blue fin tuna stocks but the magnitude of the problem and the greed of all the countries involved in the obliteration of this species is beyond logic or comprehension. Despite sound scientific advice regarding quotas needed to sustain this fishery governments simply ignore the advice and allow the plunder to continue. It was sad to see underdeveloped countries selling the fishing rights to their fisheries to developed nations, leaving their own people without fish to sustain themselves. I could go on and on but I really must say get a look at this movie if you get a chance.
I’m a recreational fisherman and not some soft headed fish hugger so my thoughts and opinions are based on logic not emotion I can assure you!
Our species is throwing all its technological might at the oceans dwindling fish stocks and unfortunately we are winning. In our greed we are killing the goose that lays the golden eggs.
One of the big things the movie stressed was to educate yourself about where your fish comes from and make wise choices when choosing what fish you eat.
At the end of the movie Steve Ryan very bravely addressed the audience and responded to questions regarding the movie and CAFNEC’s Coral Sea campaign. Of course the ‘Why are we letting Americans (PEW) influence us with this Coral Sea campaign’ question came up and Steve rightly addressed the fact that the problem of insufficient marine parks is global and that no one makes a fuss when Greenpeace or WWF confront conservation issues within Australia…good point Steve!
The ‘no take’ portion of this marine park covers 356 893 km2. That’s nearly 12 500km2 larger than our Great Barrier Reef Marine Park so America hasn’t exactly been neglecting its global responsibilities in this regard!
Well I can honestly say I had a great nights entertainment and came away even more certain that not only will a Coral Sea no take park be a good thing for Australia to commit to but also I believe it’s the ecologically and economically appropriate course of action.
CAFNEC’s Steve Ryan provided the petition widget below
You are very welcome to sign the petition and have your say if you feel inclined!
I did!
Cheers Russ
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