I posted a story about Cowley Beach a few months ago "Council inaction encourages environmental abuse at Cowley Beach". Surely what I’m being told is exaggerated I thought.
In no time at all I saw firsthand that I was wrong, very wrong!
Before I begin lets have a look at this area on a map! The top of the map is where the Cassowary Coast Regional Council (CCRC) has installed the beach access ramp. 1.5 kilometres south is the mouth of Liverpool Creek.

Let’s zoom in a little.

That’s enough background lets get into this beach walk!
Driving towards the beach access ramp the first scene I came across was a quad bike rider and passenger driving unlawfully on the wrong side of the road (and without helmets) on to the beach access ramp and then onto the beach! Hmmm nice start!

Of course the first thing I saw was the beach access ramp that the CCRC had installed to protect the dunes from being damaged by vehicles driving onto the beach. When I saw the dune damage south of this ramp I had to shake my head and laugh at this structure which IMHO is basically green wash!

Well the other main party involved is the Queensland Department of Environment and Resource Management (DERM). They have made their thoughts and desired outcomes very clear in a letter to Mr Paul Devine councils Manager of Parks and Natural Environment on 23 September 2009. DERM clearly stated 3 desired coastal outcomes for Cowley Beach using the Wet Tropics Regional Coastal Management Plan for guidance. These were;
- The large esplanade extending from Cowley Beach Township to the mouth of Liverpool Creek is retained in its natural state, free from development and upgraded to a reserve for beach protection and management.
- The physical and biological integrity of the dune system and associated beach is maintained.
- Vehicular access and recreational use has minimal impacts on fauna (eg. Beach stone curlew, turtle) that use the beaches. There is no vehicle use on the beach south of the Cowley Township.
I have no problems at all with the desired outcomes that DERM presented. However it would appear that the Cassowary Coast Regional Council’s Mayor Bill Shannon, its Councillors and Mr Paul Devine do.
Council have put in improved publicised access to the beach and basically laid out the red carpet for anyone who wants to drive any vehicle, registered/unregistered, insured/uninsured, roadworthy/unroadworthy through the fragile coastal sand dunes they should be protecting.
In the meantime they have meetings, form committees and fiddle while Rome burns.
Little wonder I feel that the mayor Bill Shannon, the councillors and Mr Paul Devine are failing in their basic duty to protect this area. Perhaps they all need to get off their butts and walk this beach (yes walk not drive) and see what they are promoting in this area? Perhaps the fresh air might clear their heads and the sea breeze might clear their vision. We can only hope.
Before I go, Cowley Beach resident Richard Piper, an accomplished entomologist and botanist, has informed me that most people want the old track reinstated with bollards to prevent people driving through the dunes willy nilly. He also stated most people do not want vehicles driving on the beach itself. Certainly this must be preferable to the current situation where people are driving anywhere they want to, both on the beach and in the dunes.
Ma:mu traditional owner and TUMRA representative, Mr James Epong, has told me that the Ma:mu traditional owners of this area do not want vehicles driving on Cowley Beach.
I hold James in very high regard for the personal effort he puts into caring for Ma:mu country especially their sea country. The Ma:mu people’s “No take” stance regarding marine turtles and dugong sets a shining example for other indigenous groups throughout Australia. I am sorry their wishes are being disrespected by our regions policy makers.
Personally I prefer DERM’s no traffic desired outcome as a better scenario. People aren’t building sandcastles on the highway so why are we driving vehicles on public beaches? Let’s be straight here, Australia has a good percentage of overweight and unhealthy people who would benefit from a good beach walk. Their bodies and minds would benefit and the littoral flora and fauna at Cowley Beach would be happy too…Win/Win!
Let’s hope those concerned with deciding the future of Cowley Beach get it together and do the right thing before Cowley’s southern dunes endure many more months of damage.
Cheers Russ
Hmmm. From all your evidence, it seems like the Mayor and councillors are hypocrites. Wonder if they'll still be able to collect fat pay checks after the next election?
ReplyDeleteThank you for your comments anonymous. I don't care a lot about how much these people are paid. My main concern is that they earn their wages honestly and act in an environmentally responsible manner.My primary goal in writing this story was to let people witness what is happening to this beautiful part of North Queensland and question why Council is happy to let this happen.
ReplyDeleteHi Russ, I'm Pottsy the previous Leasee of Cowley Caravan Park and have intimate knowledge of the whole area, Council, Staff, Councillors, past and present Residents,Events, everything over the past 20yrs. I concur with your and Richard's philosophy and wants, but, as you are aware, Governments of all persuasions and levels have Egos they can't jump over,but trip over incessently. As I said to Richard "Stick it to them" and if can be of assistance in that endeavor please do not hesitate.
ReplyDeleteGood luck
Thank you so much for your comments Pottsy.
ReplyDeleteI owe you a big thank you for recently getting your Stat declaration to me that described the 3+ lots of marine turtle nests that you witnessed in front of the Cowley Beach caravan park when you managed it.
Traditional owner James Epong and myself recently made council aware of this and many other nesting events at Cowley Beach during a half hour Power Point presentation on local marine turtle nesting that we delivered to the full council. I must note they were very interested and made us both feel very welcome.
Unfortunately as you are aware councillor Downs and other council representative appear happy to allow this same beach zone to be turned into an unregulated sand highway and our requests/emails are being ignored.... shameful.
All is not lost Councillor Bill Horsford has shown common sense and integrity by openly opposing the destruction of this area right from the start...more power to him I say. I hope some other council people follow his lead as they become better informed.
cheers Russ
ReplyDeleteSome interesting comments and observations. Here is another example of the "Cassowary Coast Regional Coucils" inability to effectively manange it's natural assests and infrastructure. Go to this link: http://www.switguide.com/customer/trip.jsp?destId=39 .
If the Cassowary Coast Regional Council were a Corporation, Company or Business the Administrators would have "closed the door" the day the Queensland Government amalgamated the Cardwell and Johnstone Shire Councils. Welcome to rural third world North Queensland governed by southeast Queensland centric Political Parties.
Thank you Otto for your comments.
ReplyDeleteWe have such wonderful natural and cultural assets in North Queensland and the neglect of these assets is terrible to watch.
I can understand your frustration regarding road closures to the falls and council amalgamations have seen a very tough teething period which hopefully will not continue forever.
It looks like your tour business visits some great places and I hope the future brings you better days.