Scats are pretty little fish, quite happy in freshwater when they are juveniles and moving into saltwater as they mature. Their scientific name Scatophagus translates to ‘excrement eater’ so you can guess they aren’t fussy about what they eat! Scats have venomous spines and are capable of giving a nasty little wound if handled so are best left alone!
I’m starting to rattle on about fish too much here considering this is a turtle story so If you want to read about Ella Bay’s fish its better you go and check out the story on the ‘TALE field trip to Ella Bay’.
Ok back to the turtles! Just before leaving the creek I saw another small turtle swimming around and got a quick photo before it darted off into the leaf litter.
The Saw-shelled turtle has serrations at the rear of its shell which can be seen in the above photos. They could be seen even more clearly of this little bloke didn’t have so much algae on his shell! They eat all sorts of foods like rainforest fruit, crustaceans, fish, frogs and insects. They can grow to about 28cm long (carapace length) so this little fella was just a baby!
People often get excited about taking these little ‘penny’ turtles home as pets and I just want to say it’s not the best idea to remove them from the wild. Without even considering the legal implications, little penny turtles grow up into big turtles and require a lot of care (tank cleaning etc) they can bite too. A good friend of mine also tells some pretty good horror stories about their ability to harbour salmonella! All this aside they are a lot nicer to watch in a creek than in a tank!
I don’t think Ella Bay’s rainforest turtles will be too happy if the Ella Bay Road is widened and thousands of vehicles start using it daily as per the Ella Bay Pty Ltd development applications. Apart from freshwater turtles being crushed on the roads during their wet season overland excursions I am sure pollution (oil etc) from the road running off into these creeks will in no way improve the turtle’s habitat!
Let’s hope this little turtle lives a long and happy life without a highway on its doorstep.
Cheers Russ
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