This story begins with a walk at Ella Bay with Blanche Danastas and James Mc Lellan from Marine Wildlife Australia who met up with me at Ella Bay for a bit of a beach walk. As a marine biologist and President of Marine Wildlife Australia Blanche is aware of Ella Bay’s unique marine habitat and is highly concerned for the wellbeing of its marine fauna, particularly marine turtles and coastal dolphin species.
After a great beach walk James and Blanche commented on the wide variety of rainforest fruits they noticed on the ground along the Ella Bay Road and suggested we take some photos.

However being a gracious host I kept my big trap shut and started collecting. Seeing the results 15 minutes later I was glad I did! Blanche assembled a fruit display on a log in the car park that would have any hungry cassowary drooling and trembling at the knees and we clicked away like madmen…sorry Blanche I mean mad people!

Here is the bit where I give credit to one of the Far North’s very best ecologists Dr Andrew Small (Senior Ecologist with GHD) who helped me out with some of the tricky ones!
Of course Dr Andrew Small is well known in this area as the scientist who located 3 threatened frog species at Joyce and Worth Creeks, less than 10 kilometres north of the proposed Ella Bay property development. During this recent assessments of the Bramston Beach water supply Dr Small found the Waterfall frog Litoria nannotis, Common mist fog Litoria rheocola and Lace eyed tree frog Nyctimystes dayi. Nice work! You can download his report here (PDF).
Some fruit had teeth marks in them that were probably made by Ella Bay’s spectacular spectacled flying fox Pteropus conspicillatus another fruit dependant endangered species but that’s another story!.
Today I want to introduce you to some of these fruit that are important cassowary food.
The Cassowary plum Cerbera floribunda is one of my favourites and is easily spotted along the Ella Bay Road with its glossy green leaves and massive purple fruit. Although toxic to us humans, cassowaries have no problems consuming this massive fruit whole.

Before I go I just want to say again that the Ella Bay Road is lined with many important cassowary food plants. The Ella Bay Road is used by endangered southern Cassowaries to access these important seasonal food supplies. Ella Bay Pty Ltd is seeking permission to widen this road and destroy valuable cassowary food resources within The World Heritage Wet Tropics. The proponent also wishes to place cassowary proof fencing along this 3 kilometre road which I believe well restrict cassowary access to these fruits and also the hundreds (perhaps thousands) of kilograms of White apples Syzygium forte which will be fruiting in the coming months along the eastern side of the Ella Bay Road.
The White apple is an important seasonal food resource and restricting cassowary access to this important resource would be truly negligent. Ella Bay’s cassowaries need to be able to cross this road freely to access the white apple fruit that litter the ground during their fruiting season.
The Ella Bay road presently poses little threat to cassowaries with its current light usage. Ella Bay Pty Ltd wants to move approximately 5000 people into this bay and make big changes to this road. These thousands of people would all depend on the Ella Bay road as their one and only access road, a grim situation indeed.
I sincerely hope Federal Environment Minister Peter Garrett AM MP is prepared to step in and use his powers to protect the endangered southern cassowary at Ella Bay.
Cheers Russ
this is probably the most colorful line-up i've seen :) lets hope the cassorwaries always have access to them.
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ReplyDeleteThanks Arati, we certainly do have some amazing rainforest fruit along the Ella Bay Road and I agree wholeheartedly that cassowaries should continue having full access to them.
ReplyDeleteAfter visiting your blog I saw some pretty colourful flora and fauna too!I will revisit it in the near future!
I came via the Tree Festival...I would love an opportunity to collect fruits in Australia..but alas, I am in western NY state and it is snowing. Very informative post...Michelle
ReplyDeleteThank you Michelle.I can relate to what you say on your site regarding photography being about sharing your joy rather than getting the perfect image.It looks cold where you are but with every winter comes the promise of spring (a bit more poetic than North Queenslands wet and dry seasons)!